Monday, September 30, 2013

Fishing in Horseshoe Beach in the Big Bend Area

Sept. 16,2013

I started fishing Horseshoe Beach for about a year before I moved away from the area.  This was a hot spot for my son and I for Speckled Trout.  We always caught our limit of trout.  I couldn't pass up the opportunity to fish here again since I was staying in Gainesville for a week. It's about a 11/2 hour drive from Gainesville.
This would be my first timing fishing here from a kayak, but I knew I wouldn't have to paddle too far to get to the grass flats.  As it turned out I only had to paddle a few hundred yards to find fish.  When I first got there the sky looked really bad, there was lightning and thunder for awhile.  I decided to wait it out and after about 1 hour I launched my kayak.  I paddled about 100 yards from the launch site and right away started catching Trout.  I could have had my limit it 45 minutes if I would have landed all the fish that took my bait.  Some got off at the kayak and others I simply didn't set the hook in time.  It didn't help that I was using 2 poles at a time.  After 2 hours I called it quits with my limit and the fish still biting.  Horseshoe Beach is still one of best places to catch trout.  Here's some pictures.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fishing in Gainesville


My wife had to go to Gainesville for work for a week.  I went with her to keep her company and to fish during the day.  We stayed with some friends who just happen to have a pond in their back yard.  It's big enough to put a kayak in.  I fished every day for bass using artificial lures.  I caught 37 fish for the week using a plastic worm.  My friend Tony told me about a new way to hook the worm, some pros are using this method as well. It's called wacky worm, you hook it through the middle with both ends of the worm hanging down, it looks weird but it sure worked good.  I tried the traditional way of hooking the worm weedless but they didn't like it as much.